Not literally a change, per se, but more like an expansion of focus…

As I have grown as a business owner and grown as a blog writer, I have found that I’d like to write more about growing a small business, as a whole, instead of just the accounting/financial aspect of it.  Now, don’t get me wrong… I’ll still write about accounting, finance, tax preparation/planning issues, payroll vs independent contractor issues, etc but going forward, I plan to write more about the journey of building a business and the things/tools that can help us along the way.

So why the change?  I started my business 7 years ago with the primary aim of providing affordable accounting solutions to small business owners.  That expanded to tax preparation for businesses & individuals…then that expanded to payroll services for small business owners.  Now, I haven’t expanded because I think I know everything or can do everything, out of vanity or any desire of my own.  In the past, as now, I have expanded because i took the time to listen to my clients & fulfill their needs.  As their trusted advisor, I have been asked to point them in the right direction.  So I will use this blog, this platform to do just that… point my aspiring entrepreneurs, microbusiness owners, small business owners in the right direction.  It is my hope that you will look to my blog & my website as an invaluable resource and that you will visit often.

With my expansion of focus, I look forward to having guest bloggers in the near future.  If you have an area of expertise that can help growing small business owners & aspiring entrepreneurs (especially law, marketing & branding)… I want to hear from you!


Questions & Comments… as always, are welcomed!


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