
Money mantra: more revenue, more profits, pay less in taxes

Our Goal For Our Business And Yours

business building is not easy…especially if you don’t know your numbers​.

say goodbye to stress & worry

Building a profitable business is not an easy task. In fact, it’s probably one of the most stressful & worrisome yet one of the easiest & most rewarding choices I’ve ever made.

I understand what it’s like. Every morning, waking up to an email inbox full of the next best thing…the next social media platform everyone must be on…the next money-making program to join.

It’s all a bunch of extra hats to wear and busy work when all you want to do is double down on what works for you and your business so that you can build the income you truly desire.

To do that, you need to know your business’ secret sauce and it’s hiding in plain sight.

Your business’ secret sauce is hiding in your numbers (aka your finances & KPIs).

Numbers that you can’t uncover or double down on it without one of the cornerstones of business….bookkeeping.

And that’s where we come in…


Cut Out The Busy Work and Get Back To Business

Growth, Scale, Profitability & Productivity

​As a boutique accounting services agency, our main goals are:

(1) to get you out of busyness and back to business and

(2) to empower you to make money-making decisions through financial education, systems and organization.

All of this can take several forms. From software training or workshops to done-for-you bookkeeping service or CEO/CFO review sessions.

And just in case you’re wondering, if we work with businesses like yours… maybe.

We primarily work with online (and offline) services providers like coaches, consultants, real estate brokers, interior decorators, florists, web designers, event planners, copywriters, project managers, photographers, college prep tutors, marketers and more.


Track Your Numbers So That You Can Grow & Scale Your Business…By Design

Money in the bank is important. Believe me. I know it is… but growing your business requires a little more than just knowing your bank balance and hoping for the best.

It requires that you track not only your money but the efforts and strategies that got you where you are… so that you can do more of that to get you to where you ultimately want to be.

Sounds easy but it includes “boring” tasks like tracking KPIs and sales conversion…doing your bookkeeping and analyzing your financial reports.

We do all of that boring stuff every day…so you don’t have to.

At The Common Cents, we offer:

Bookkeeping & Accounting Services

Top to bottom recordkeeping, cash flow monitoring, financial statement preparation.

Performed by a CPA – led accounting team with unlimited support

CEO/CFO Consulting

Personalized analytical support, including but not limited to:

financial analysis, budget preparation and review; reforecasting; financial impact analysis and more.

Courses + Workshops

Not ready to hand over the keys to your bookkeeping? Want a little guidance?

Together, let’s make sure you’re doing it right with our courses & workshops

Welcome. Meet Joyce

Founder/CEO, Common Cents Consulting

Hey there…Welcome to The Common Cents.

I’m Joyce M. Washington, CPA – Founder + CEO and I’m glad you’re here.

Before founding The Common Cents consulting agency, I worked in small accounting firms and real estate agencies as the corporate accounting manager.

It was my privilege to work with and run accounting departments both big and small.

Today, my team and I work primarily with small businesses and organizations – service providers that are experts in their respective fields…that leave the accounting & finance analysis to us.

You can check out the specifics on the services we provide here on our consulting page.

What Our Clients Say

Testimonials & Client Love

It’s deeper than the money.  It’s about more than just bookkeeping and accounting.

It’s about creating the business that serves me the best and serves my clients in the best way that I can.

Every time I question what I should do next, I go to Joyce.  She is my go to person.

I know she is going to tell me the truth, get me back on track.  I appreciate her direct, concise solutions.

Catherine Just 
Catherine Just

She really understood the inner workings of my business.

Usually I have to do a lot of explaining when it comes to how I run my business or what my business even is but she got it right off the bat!

It’s more than bookkeeping and accounting people!!

Pat Romain 
Pat Romain

Joyce can talk in specific terms in dollars and cents or she can talk in terms of “mindset.”

Being able to combine the two is a great service

Lauren Frost 
Lauren Frost

Joyce helped me see the value of my program.

She lovingly showed me how my first round of Fearless Launching was severely underpriced and with some kinda crazy ninja voodoo she encouraged me to price my product appropriately.

The result? My second launch of Fearless Launching yielded triple the results without having a huge list.

Thanks you Joyce! I’ll be back to get more of your pricing magic!

Anne Samoilov 
Anne Samoilov

Joyce is simply brilliant.

She has the unique ability to filter out the “noise” that entrepreneurs experience when making pricing & business decisions.

She’s very thorough and helped me to see the big picture.

All of her suggestions were relevant, immediately actionable and helped me solve my pricing dilemma.

I would definitely recommend that you hire Joyce for a consulting session today!

Wesley Woods 
Wesley Woods

She gave me honest, practical, and real feedback [on my program and it’s pricing].

It just made so much “cents” that I didn’t have to put another thought into it.

Kat Kim 
Kat Kim
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