by Joyce M. Washington, CPA
As if starting a business wasn’t hard enough, deciding on which web applications & tools you need and which ones to use can send you into a shiny object tailspin.
I know how it is because I have spent way more time than I should looking for and evaluating the different pieces that make up my web application/tech tool puzzle.
Hopefully, all the time I spent playing with software will help you save some time.
Here are a few of my must-haves…
by Joyce M. Washington, CPA
I admit it, I’m a bit of a PayPal hater and I have my reasons.
One of my go-to alternatives is Stripe. (more…)
by Joyce M. Washington, CPA
Started your business. And you have your business bank account all setup.
You’re good to go, right? Exactly HOW are you going to accept payments from your customers?
I have a few ideas on the matter… so check it out. (more…)
by Joyce M. Washington, CPA
You know that thing that you do?
When you try to do more than one thing at a time?
by Joyce M. Washington, CPA
Having accounting software isn’t enough.
Syncing the transactions from your bank account isn’t enough. (more…)