
Outsourcing doesn’t have to be a chore… it’s actually one of my go to when it comes to growing and scaling my business.  The step that I recommend taking before hiring a more permanent team (aka employees).

But before you go on a team building spree, you have to know the 3 tests that defines an independent contractor relationship…and pass them.

Once you’ve passed the test…all systems are go.  Go forth and team build to grow. Get back into your zone of genius, your core activities… by doing less (yourself) so that you can play more.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • What is outsourcing? What’s the difference between an employee and an independent contractor?
  • Advantages of Outsourcing
  • Disadvantages of outsourcing
  • Examples of general tasks
  • Examples of accounting tasks (note: not every accountant does all of these tasks and this isn’t an exhaustive list).
  • Who should outsource their accounting
  • Why you should outsource your accounting
  • How to outsource your accounting
  • How to work with us

Additional resources:

Attorneys That Can Help With Service Agreements for Independent Contractors:

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

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