Question… What IS bookkeeping?

I mean seriously, what the heck is it?  

At some point, your business coach has told you (or will tell you) that you need to let some things go.

That you can’t do everything by yourself.  That you need some help doing the things that you probably aren’t all that good at…

Starting with your bookkeeping…. she told you that you need a bookkeeper, accountant or CPA but wait a second…

What the heck is bookkeeping?  What the heck is accounting?

what is bookkeeping?

What IS Bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping Defined:



The activity or occupation of keeping the financial records of a business.


What does that mean?  Really?

Bookkeeping (my definition) is the dailies… the keeping track of the pennies.

Common Bookkeeping Tasks

Here are a few everyday bookkeeping tasks…

  • invoicing your clients
  • recording cash received
  • recording payments to vendors/suppliers

So Bookkeeping Is….

So it’s the act of keeping track.

Keeping track of your everyday financial stuff.

And it applies to more than just businesses.

Bookkeeping applies to personal finances as well.

Now that you know what it is… let’s talk about you doing your bookkeeping on a regular basis!


If you would like more information on bookkeeping, what it is and how it’s done around these parts… leave a comment below.  I would like to hear from you.




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