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So you’ve decided to outsource your bookkeeping, accounting and payroll functions. What now? How do you choose?
Before you make any phone calls, take some time to do some self-reflection. Reflect on your business and how it currently functions, what you do well and what you can do better. Then ask yourself, what functions do you want to outsource? can outsourcing help you perform some things better? and what is your budget?
Interview a few outsourcing providers just like you would if you were hiring an in-house staff person. Like choosing an in-house bookkeeper, accountant or payroll processor, ask “interview” questions. Here are 10 Questions you should ask. In addition, ask yourself if the provider’s style and available services coincide with your business’ philosophy and style. If not, you may be attempting to force a square peg into a round hole and what may have been a less expensive alternative in the beginning, may end up being a costly experiment. So choose wisely.
Quick Recap: decide to outsource; do some self-reflection on your business needs; interview a few providers (at least 2) and make a decision who your provider will be. Remember cheaper doesn’t always equal better.
Congratulations on deciding to outsource. That decision in and of itself is HUGE so give you’re some kudos for admitting that although you are a small business/solo practitioner, you can’t do it all. Believe me, as a small business owner, I can relate…
Hope this helps!
PS. Please, keep in mind that just because you are outsourcing, you should never abdicate management…you should always keep “an eye on the store.” Your provider has a responsibility to you as a client and should take that responsibility seriously.


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