Q: We have a software division that charges people monthly on subscription plans. It’s all done automatically. What’s the FASTEST way for me to manage this? I don’t really want to manually enter thousands of monthly charges into QuickBooks every month, but at the end of the year, my accountant will want detailed records. any suggestions?

We’re using authorize.net and cybersource. I can look into importing them. I can import them from the bank, but that seems to a big pain too, as QuickBooks asks me to do each one individually pretty much.

A: Look into what your choices are available regarding the various formats that you can download the information from authorize.net & cybersource. A lot of companies offer a way to export your transactions in a way that’s ready to import them directly into your QB file. It may take some effort on your part to set it up correctly on the front end but will be well worth it not to post transactions one at a time.

I use another payroll provider that allows me to do exactly what I’ve described to import the information with no problem.

If you have additional questions regarding setup, I really think you should seek the advice of your accountant. If they aren’t available or versed in this kind of set up, shoot me an email. (remind me of our forum discussion)… I’d be happy to help.

Good luck! ~Joyce

originally asked & answered on QuickBooks Forum


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