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Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge: Day 2 – EP 024

It’s day 2 of 3 day Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge where we are focusing on the metrics that matter and help you to maximize your productivity and profitability.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • All about Mirror Metrics… and what they heck they are
  • The 3 types of metrics to focus on
  • Your day 2 activity & challenge action

Don’t forget to share your progress with me on Instagram at @thecommoncents, using the hashtag #KillVanityMetricsChallenge, especially if you’re participating in the contest.

As a reminder, here are The Challenge Contest details.

How it works:  simply got to Instagram, tag me (@thecommoncents) and use the hashtag (#KillVanityMetricsChallenge)…

You can earn points in one of four ways…

  • 1 point for direct messaging me using the hashtag
  • 2 points for commenting on the day’s challenge post & using the hashtag
  • 3 points for posting a story from your profile, don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag
  • 5 points for posting on your own IG profile, don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag

Again, the challenge contest ends Sunday, 9/22 at noon US Eastern time so that I can tally up the points.  I will be announcing the winners on Monday, 9/23 at noon US Eastern time.

If you have any questions about today’s challenge task, send us an email.

We’ll be back tomorrow for Day 3.

Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge: Day 1 – EP 023

Focus on the metrics that matter and help you to maximize your productivity and profitability with the Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge.

Today is day 1 of 3 fun filled days.  Each episode contains a task in the form of a question or action… and an invitation to compete in the #KillVanityMetricsChallenge contest because healthy competition never hurt anyone, right?

Share your progress with me on Instagram at @thecommoncents, don’t forget to use the hashtag #KillVanityMetricsChallenge, especially if you’re participating in the contest.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • The specifics of the challenge
  • How it’s going to work
  • The details of the contest
  • The hashtag:  #KillVanityMetricsChallenge
  • Your day 1 activity & challenge action

As promised in the episode, here are The Challenge Contest details.

How it works:  simply got to Instagram, tag me (@thecommoncents) and use the hashtag (#KillVanityMetricsChallenge)…

You can earn points in one of four ways…

  • 1 point for direct messaging me using the hashtag
  • 2 points for commenting on the day’s challenge post & using the hashtag
  • 3 points for posting a story from your profile, don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag
  • 5 points for posting on your own IG profile, don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag

The challenge contest ends Sunday, 9/22 at noon US Eastern time so that I can tally up the points.  I will be announcing the winners on Monday, 9/23 at noon US Eastern time.

If you have any questions about today’s challenge task, send us an email.

We’ll be back tomorrow for Day 2.

A Conversation About Decluttering Your Life with Heather Clark – EP 022

In this episode, I welcome Heather Clark of as my guest to have a conversation about decluttering your life.

Clutter can arise in various ways, shapes and forms.  From the physical to the digital to the mental clutter and it can wreak havoc on your health and well-being.

Every problem has a solution so we discussed not only the roots of clutter but also a few steps and tips to begin the journey to minimize it…

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • What is clutter?  What are the different types of clutter?
  • How amassing clutter impacts us personally and professionally
  • The cost of clutter
  • What we can do to master the decluttering habit
  • Tips for someone just getting started with decluttering

Additional resources:

Remember, this is an open discussion.  If you have a question that you’d like me to answer on an upcoming episode, send an email to [email protected].

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

Do Less/Play More…Outsourcing Like A Boss – EP 021

Outsourcing doesn’t have to be a chore… it’s actually one of my go to when it comes to growing and scaling my business.  The step that I recommend taking before hiring a more permanent team (aka employees).

But before you go on a team building spree, you have to know the 3 tests that defines an independent contractor relationship…and pass them.

Once you’ve passed the test…all systems are go.  Go forth and team build to grow. Get back into your zone of genius, your core activities… by doing less (yourself) so that you can play more.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • What is outsourcing? What’s the difference between an employee and an independent contractor?
  • Advantages of Outsourcing
  • Disadvantages of outsourcing
  • Examples of general tasks
  • Examples of accounting tasks (note: not every accountant does all of these tasks and this isn’t an exhaustive list).
  • Who should outsource their accounting
  • Why you should outsource your accounting
  • How to outsource your accounting
  • How to work with us

Additional resources:

Attorneys That Can Help With Service Agreements for Independent Contractors:

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

Time or Money…Bootstrapping Like A Boss – EP 020

Starting and growing a business is a bit of a dance… and a bit of a game.  Imagine a seesaw, one that balances time and money. At the beginning, and throughout the dance of business ownership, there’s a constant strive to balance them.

There will be times when you have more time than money…and times when you have more money than time.  But what about when the seesaw is broken and you have limited reserves of time AND money…

This episode is all about being a master bootstrapper.  Taking the time and money that you do have and making the absolute most of it…

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • What to do instead of running to your credit cards (especially if you’re not sure if your business idea is a profitable one)
  • Why you may need to say no to a few things
  • How being laser focused will help you with time
  • How to get over your procrastination + check out Episode 17
  • Why documenting things now will help you in the long run
  • How to decide when to invest and when to defer
  • How much of cash reserve is recommended
  • Invitation to chat with me – schedule a consultation
  • My personal reading list…especially excellent for bootstrappers

Well that’s it for now…if you’d like to work with me and iron out the kinks of balancing time and money in your business, let’s chat about it – you can schedule a quick consultation by going to

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

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