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Messy Money Costs Money: Steps To Clean Up Your Accounting Records – EP 029

Messy bookkeeping and accounting that has gone undone and unchecked for too long can cost you not only money but time and tax deductions.

In this episode, the discussion centers around:

  • A few ways that messy accounting is costly
  • A Messy Money Horror Story
  • Messy Money Lessons (2)
  • 6 Steps to Clean Up Your Messy Accounting Records
  • A couple pro-tips to help you get it done

Additional resources:

If you’d like some assistance with tidying up your messy accounting records, schedule a consultation so that we can chat about how we can work together.

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

Online Business Strategies: What’s Working and What’s Not – EP 028

Getting started and staying motivated can be hard.  Especially if you’re going it alone and it seems like everybody is doing all of the right things and you’re not.  If you’re feeling like for every step forward, you get knocked back 5.

In this episode, I’m talking about the top 3 online business strategies that aren’t working as well as they used to…but I’m not all bad news.  I’m not going to leave you hanging because I’m going to give you alternative strategies…what’s working now.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

Don’t forget, this is an open discussion.  If you have a question that you’d like me to answer on an upcoming episode, send an email to [email protected].

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.  I’d love to hear from you.

Quarter In Review: My Q3 CEO Debrief – EP 027

Quarterly CEO/CFO debrief is on tap for this episode…Not only do I run through a sampling of the questions I ask myself and my clients but I also run through the answers.  

Did I hit my revenue target this quarter?  What am I going to focus on in the fourth quarter?  You’ll have to listen to find out. 

Mentioned in today’s episode: 

Additional resources:

Don’t forget, you’re personally invited to chat with me.  Just schedule a complimentary consultation

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge Wrap Up – EP 026

Last week, over the course of 3 days – via 3 episodes, I conducted the Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge.

To practice what I preach, I wanted to give you a little peek behind the scenes and talk about my goals and metrics as they pertained to the challenge.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • my main 2 goals going into the challenge,
  • my results – the numbers & metrics
  • An invitation for you to grab a copy of the money metrics tracker I use to keep it all straight.  (note: the price of the trackers increases Thursday, 9/26 at midnight)

Additional resources:

If you’re hanging out on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.

Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge: Day 3 – EP 025

The big finish… Day 3 of 3 day Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge where we are focusing on the metrics that matter and help you to maximize your productivity and profitability.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

  • How you finally tie day 1 and day 2 together with a bow
  • Some questions you can ask yourself so that you can dig deeper into what your chosen Mirror Metrics really mean
  • Your day 3 activity & challenge action
  • Recapping the challenge
  • Money Metrics Tracker Bundle

Don’t forget to share your progress with me on Instagram at @thecommoncents, using the hashtag #KillVanityMetricsChallenge, especially if you’re participating in the contest.

As a reminder, here are The Challenge Contest details.

How it works:  simply got to Instagram, tag me (@thecommoncents) and use the hashtag (#KillVanityMetricsChallenge)…

You can earn points in one of four ways…

  • 1 point for direct messaging me using the hashtag
  • 2 points for commenting on the day’s challenge post & using the hashtag
  • 3 points for posting a story from your profile, don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag
  • 5 points for posting on your own IG profile, don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag

Important Note:  The challenge contest ends Sunday, 9/22 at noon US Eastern time so that I can tally up the points.  I will be announcing the winners on Monday, 9/23 at noon US Eastern time.

Also… the updated 2020 Money Metrics Tracker Bundle is officially available for 2019 price but it goes up on Monday, 9/23 at midnight US Eastern time… you can find out more here:

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