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Know Your Numbers (One-Time Payment) Product description

When you enroll in the Know Your Numbers program, you'll receive lifetime access to the curriculum & resources via the private portal and mobile apps, including:

☑️ Xero Systems Setup

☑️ The Money Migration Method

☑️The Catch-Up + Cleanup Clinic

☑️ Bookkeeping Bootcamp

☑️The STAR System

Plus The Bonuses:

☑️Money Metrics Vault (templates, calculators, spreadsheets, etc)

☑️ Early Access/Invitations To Community-Only Offers (virtual events, live workshops, financial reviews, coworking sessions, etc)

☑️Early Access To New Courses (Budgeting Basics; Financial Forecasting; Pricing Strategies & Profit Margins; Cash Flow Management; Automations & Addons... and more)

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